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Eddy Smits Mental Fitness Coach


In tegenstelling tot andere coachingprogramma’s gaat Eddy Smits verder dan strategie en mentorschap.

Zijn kennis en inzicht in mensen zijn meer gericht op wat jij nodig hebt dan wat je denkt te willen.

Eddy weet dat de geest de sleutel is tot succes.

Zelfs een geweldige strategie zal niet slagen zonder de juiste implementatiementaliteit. Positieve Intelligentie en Mentale Fitness helpen u uw persoonlijk succes te definiëren en ontdekken.

Eddy is een meester in het helpen van slechte gedachten en gedrag, het doorbreken van negatieve patronen en het stimuleren van het bereiken en overtreffen van uw gewenste resultaten.

Save yourself decades of trial and error, reading books, and going to seminars. You’ll see that it’s never a lack of resources holding you back – it’s a lack of Mental Fitness.


Start discovering the tools and strategies available to you and stay more accountable, so you get lasting results in the areas of life that matter most – personal growth, business, health, finances, or personal relationships.


Eddy will empower you with the focus, insight, and accountability you need to achieve the consistent results you crave. If you are committed and desire to reach your peak performance and achieve lasting results, then coaching is for you.


Still wondering, “Is coaching for me?” Or are you ready to talk to Eddy? Eddy offers a free assessment and a 30-minute strategy session so you can see what Eddy can do for you.


 In just one powerful session, you will:

  • Get absolute clarity on what is holding you back.

  • Isolate and reframe limiting beliefs that have held you back

  • Devise a plan of action to achieve your specific outcomes


You don’t have to settle for the life you’re living – use coaching to reach your peak performance level and start getting lasting results today!

Eddy Smits
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